What China Study Reveals About Cancer and Our Food Choices

"The China Study is simply blowing me away. And I’m only on page 70! Here’s what’ I’ve learned so far. There are three stages of cancer, which the author compares to planting a lawn. The Initiation Stage is like putting seeds into the soil. The Promotion Stage is when the grass begins to grow, and the Progression The China Study is simply blowing me away. And I’m only on page 70! Here’s what’ I’ve learned so far. There are three stages of cancer, which the author compares to planting a lawn. The Initiation Stage is like putting seeds into the soil. The Promotion Stage is when the grass begins to grow, and the Progression Stage is when the grass gets out of control and grows places you don’t want it to grow. The chemicals that “plant the seeds” of cancer are called carcinogens and they originate primarily from industry byproduct but can also be found in nature. Professor Campbell (author of The China Study) found that decreasing dietary protein decreases the chance that carcinogens will evolve into tumors into the Initiation Stage. He also discovered that when protein needs are exceeded, disease onset begins (the Promotion Stage). Finally – here’s the doozy – plant protein does not promote cancer growth, even when consumed at higher levels. Only animal protein promotes cancer growth. In fact, plant protein actually DECREASES tumor development. Stage is when the grass gets out of control and grows places you don’t want it to grow. The chemicals that “plant the seeds” of cancer are called carcinogens and they originate primarily from industry byproduct but can also be found in nature. Professor Campbell (author of The China Study) found that decreasing dietary protein decreases the chance that carcinogens will evolve into tumors into the Initiation Stage. He also discovered that when protein needs are exceeded, disease onset begins (the Promotion Stage). Finally – here’s the doozy – plant protein does not promote cancer growth, even when consumed at higher levels. Only animal protein promotes cancer growth. In fact, plant protein actually DECREASES tumor development.

Which Juicer Is Best?

"Drinking a large amount of healing and restorative juices is at the heart of the Gerson Therapy that is often used for treating serious illness and disease. For more detail on what the treament involves see Juicing and the Gerson Therapy. For the Gerson Therapy to have the best chance of success it is suggested that the right type of juicer should be used.

When Dr. Gerson first developed his therapy which involves consuming large amounts of fruit and vegetable nutrients he believed liquifiers (blenders such as the Vitamix) would be the solution but he found the high speed rotating blades caused a loss of enzymes and other nutrients.

In order for the patient to consume the high levels of fruit and vegetable nutrients required every day a huge amount of fruit and vegetables must be processed. It would be impossible for the patient to eat the fruit and vegetables whole or even in blended form as blending does not remove any of the bulk of the ingredients. Juicing on the other hand removes the bulky fibre from the ingredients and so enables the patient to receive all the nutrition benefits in an easy to consume drink.

Dr Gerson found that centrifugal juicers caused a loss of enzymes and other nutrients due to their blades which rotated at high speeds.. After more research Dr Gerson found that a two stage juicing process was necessary in order to get the best results from the treatment. This two-step process involved firstly grinding the fruit and vegetables, mixing the pulp together and then secondly pressing the pulp to extract the juice from it....

Gerson Therapy juicers

The Gerson Institute recommend the Norwalk Juice Press which will handle both the grinding stage as well as the pressing stage. The Norwalk juicer is powered and uses a hydraulic action and so requires little energy for using it. The Norwalk juicer is therefore suitable for patients with low strength / energy levels. The Norwalk Juice Press is at the top end of the price range.

The Champion juicer is recommended for the grinding stage of the two stage juicing process. It does not press the juice however and so it must be used in combination with another juice press in order to have the desired juice quality for the Gerson Therapy.

Manually powered juice presses may not be suitable for all patients as they require more energy and strength to operate them.

Other juice presses include the Welles Juice press (now known as the Persons Juice Press) and the K&K juicer.

The cheapest and most common type of juicer is the centrifugal juicer but these are NOT suitable for use in the Gerson Therapy.

Gerson Therapy Green Drink

Last night my husband and I juiced and drank the Gerson Therapy Green Drink for the first time. I wouldn't call it delicious but it's not bad. It was kind of like drinking a green coleslaw because the flavor of the cabbage was strong.

I've read that some folks hate the Gerson Therapy Green drink. I frankly don't understand why anyone dislikes it. If you've struggled with it let me know.

Vegetarian Eating

" Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Don't eat anything that your great-grandmother would not recognize as food. That, more of less, is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy." -Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food-

"People who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease...People who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest and tended to avoid chronic disease. These results could not be ignored." -T. Colin
Gerson Therapy Guide: Detailed Information About this Alternative Cancer Treatment
What's in a Name: The Many Types of Vegetarianism
Why did a doctors group sue the USDA over vegetarianism? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

China Study Eating Advice

How have your views changed?

I was raised on a dairy farm. I milked cows. I went away to graduate school at Cornell University, and I thought the good old American diet is the best there is. The more dairy, meat and eggs we consumed, the better. The early part of my career was focused on protein, protein, protein. It was supposed to solve the world’s ills. But when we started doing our research, we found that when we start consuming protein in excess of the amount we need, it elevates blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis and creates other problems.

The problem is that we study one nutrient out of context. That’s the way we did research — one vitamin at a time, one mineral, one fat. It was always in a reductionist, narrowly focused way. But I learned that protein is not quite what we thought it was. We’ve distorted our diet seriously through the ages, and we have all the problems we have because of that distortion.

What loomed large for me was that we shouldn’t be thinking in a linear way that A causes B. We should be thinking about how things work together. It’s a very complex biological system. The body is always trying to restore health every microsecond of our lives. How do we furnish the resources for the body to use? In order to try to understand that, we shouldn’t be giving ourselves individual nutrient supplements. We shouldn’t be trying to discover which gene causes what. But those two areas have become the major focus of research over the years.

So how should we be eating?

I don’t use the word “vegan” or “vegetarian.” I don’t like those words. People who chose to eat that way chose to because of ideological reasons. I don’t want to denigrate their reasons for doing so, but I want people to talk about plant-based nutrition and to think about these ideas in a very empirical scientific sense, and not with an ideological bent to it.


Doctors Clueless About Nutrition - NYTimes

Doctors (most) are clueless about diet and nutrition.
A doctor admits Med School didn't teach him to help patients eat better. Med school teaches doctors to diagnose disease and treat it with drugs, surgery, etc.

We are what we eat. Doctors treat the results of our diet.

The article says...
Research has increasingly pointed to a link between the nutritional status of Americans and the chronic diseases that plague them. Between the growing list of diet-related diseases and a burgeoning obesity epidemic, the most important public health measure for any of us to take may well be watching what we eat. See Diet and Disease at National Cancer Institute site.

Added Dr. Chauncey: You can’t just keep writing out script after script after script of new medications when diet is just as important as drugs or any other treatment a patient may be using.

Organic Produce Overnight

Here's what the Wall Street Journal said about Diamond Organics, nationwide overnight organic food delivery service....

"The simplest process was ordering a box from Diamond Organics - www.diamondorganics.com/ available for purchase online or over the phone. Orders placed before 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday ship overnight anywhere in the country, and samplers and gift baskets come with free shipping, though custom orders carry shipping fees of about $20 plus $1.20 a pound. The food was fresh, but with a number of unmarked leafy greens, we had an amusing time passing them around for guesses. ("Oh yes, this is definitely the arugula. Isn't it?")"

They don't have the variety of lettuce we need for Gerson Therapy....but their organic apples and carrots looked marvelous!

My guess is we don't want their juicing carrots as they are too high in sugar. They've got the regular organic ones for us.

Diamond Organics - www.diamondorganics.com

-- Gerson Therapy Caregiver - Alternative Cancer Treatments of Gerson Institute

Dirty Dozen - Pesticide Produce

Sweet bell peppers
Grapes (Imported)

-- Gerson Therapy Caregiver - Alternative Cancer Treatments of Gerson Institute

Domino’s Pizza and the USDA: The Bailout You Didn’t Hear About

Domino’s Pizza and the USDA: The Bailout You Didn’t Hear About

Preparing Food Juices - Basic Rules

Chapter 10 Preparing Food Juices - The Basic Rules
1. Shop frequently for salad and leaf veggies
2. Fruit can last longer
3. Don't peel veggies
4. Balance btw. raw and cooked
5. Juices - Apple/Carrot, Carrot only, Green Juice, Orange Juice
6. Daily menu

-- Gerson Therapy Caregiver - Alternative Cancer Treatments of Gerson Institute

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 9 Happy Foods
1. No salt diet takes a week or so to adjust to
2. "Let food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food. -Hippocrates, father of modern medicine

-- Post From Gerson Therapy Caregiver

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 8 Forbidden Foods
1. Highly toxic sugar substitute Nutrasweert, Equal, Spoonful. In 6,000 products,
2. All processed food have salt. Salt causes tissue damage syndrome, stimulates tumor growth
3. No processed foods
4. Only fruits and veggies organic
5. Flaxseed oil only fat
6. List of forbidden foods, items
7. Soy contains phytic acid-blocks minerals, cause red blood cells to clump
8. No wheatgrass juice or sprouted seeds
9. Sprouts have immature proteins, suppress immune system
10. Wheatgrass hard to digest
11. Temp forbidden - butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, fish, meat
12. Forbidden Personal & Household Items

-- Post From Gerson Therapy Caregiver

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 7 The Gerson Household
1. Hypernutrition for patients Metabolic Syndrome - obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure
2. Twin pillars of Gerson nutrition and detoxification
3. Detoxify Home - Rid it of all toxic chemicals and appliances
4. Hypernutrition Prep - large fridge, Juicer (best Juicer - Norwalk Juicer, how to clean Juicer, trash microwave (cause harmful chem. reaction in food, emit radiation in kitchen)
5. No aluminum foil or pots. No crock pots.
6. Use stainless steel or Pyrex or enameled cast iron pots
7. Water filter - Reverse osmosis filter ok if water guaranteed free of flouride. Best solution for water is a home distiller. Patient needs 2-3 gallons water every 24 hrs.
8. Distiller cleaned every three days. Distiller also needs carbon filtration for unwanted volatile items.
9. Cleaning - clean stainless steel pots w/ olive oil. No dishwasher soap. No fabric softeners. Let dry-cleaning air out outside. No aerosols or sprays. Disinfect w/ 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mild soap. No deodorant.
10. Furniture - No furniture polish, no chemical carpet cleaning, no new carpet or find non-toxic carpet. No extermination. No air freshener. No painting. Avoid golf courses.

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 5 Restoring Healing Mechanism
1. Enemas needed so liver not overloaded w/ poisons. Do not do Gerson w/o coffee enemas
2. Meds - Potassium, pancreatin, Thyroid and Iodine (Lugol's Solution), Niacin,
3. Triad - aspirin, vitamin c, 50 mg niacin

-- Post From Gerson Caregiver

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 4 Diseases of Modern Civilization
1. Heart Disease
2. Hypertension
3. Hypothroidism - How to Help Your Thyroid. Clear house of all chlorine, Filter to remove chlorine, no filter system clears flourine (worst offender). Distillation required to remove fluorine. Well water may be safe, get it tested.
4. Type 2 Diabetes - Overcome it with no meat, dissolves, reduces cholesterol deposits, lets insulin reach the insulin receptors.
5. Gerson Therapy heals so-called incurable chronic conditions.

-- Post From Gerson Caregiver

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 3 Breakdown of the Body's Defenses
1. Water and air pollution
2. Food processing
3. Defiency caused by depleted soil
4. Two enemies of good health - toxicity and defiency
5. Must address both to restore body defenses
6. Genetically modified food
7. Drugs that suppress symptoms w/o healing them
8. "Aspartame contains methanol, a cumulative poison which converts into formaldehyde, a known carcinogen."
9. MSG - hidden w/ names like flavor enhancers, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and textured protein. MSG used to scientists to make lab animals fat.
10. Transfats raise LDL
11. Need pred. plant-based diet w/ min. animal protein.
12. Excess animal proteins behave like toxins in the body.
13. Fluoride - more cancer, hip fracture, osteoporosis, kidney prob, even birth defects.
14, Despite flouridation more than half of kids 6-8 and 2/3 of all 15 year olds have tooth decay,
15. Nicotine and alcohol
16. Cosmetics - all toxins break down body defenses and must be eliminated. 60% of all substances sprayed on skin goes to bloodstream. Blocking underarm perspiration forces toxins into lymphatic system.
17. Hair dyes toxic. Scalp is thoroughly vasculated (rich in blood vessels close to surface). Use pure glycerin to smooth dry skin.
18. Electromagnetic waves

-- Post From Gerson Caregiver

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson


1. Pritikin showed in the 50's that 85% of diabetics have enough insulin in blood stream.
2. Pritikin found insulin receptors are blocked and coated by cholesterol and insulin is unable to reach the insulin receptors.
3. Diabetes is a cholesterol problem.
4. Gerson therapy helps rid body of cholesterol without toxic medications.

-- Post From My iPhone

Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 1 Getting Prompt Results

1. Cut out salt and salted foods
2. Eat vegetarian
3. Eat the Gerson Soup
4. Eat a good sized potato once a day
5. Cut out all fast foods
6. Cut out all MSG and MSG containing foods
7. Drink 4 or more glasses of green juice and/or apple carrot juice for vitamins, minerals and enzymes