Chapter 7 The Gerson Household
1. Hypernutrition for patients Metabolic Syndrome - obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure
2. Twin pillars of Gerson nutrition and detoxification
3. Detoxify Home - Rid it of all toxic chemicals and appliances
4. Hypernutrition Prep - large fridge, Juicer (best Juicer - Norwalk Juicer, how to clean Juicer, trash microwave (cause harmful chem. reaction in food, emit radiation in kitchen)
5. No aluminum foil or pots. No crock pots.
6. Use stainless steel or Pyrex or enameled cast iron pots
7. Water filter - Reverse osmosis filter ok if water guaranteed free of flouride. Best solution for water is a home distiller. Patient needs 2-3 gallons water every 24 hrs.
8. Distiller cleaned every three days. Distiller also needs carbon filtration for unwanted volatile items.
9. Cleaning - clean stainless steel pots w/ olive oil. No dishwasher soap. No fabric softeners. Let dry-cleaning air out outside. No aerosols or sprays. Disinfect w/ 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mild soap. No deodorant.
10. Furniture - No furniture polish, no chemical carpet cleaning, no new carpet or find non-toxic carpet. No extermination. No air freshener. No painting. Avoid golf courses.