Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 8 Forbidden Foods
1. Highly toxic sugar substitute Nutrasweert, Equal, Spoonful. In 6,000 products,
2. All processed food have salt. Salt causes tissue damage syndrome, stimulates tumor growth
3. No processed foods
4. Only fruits and veggies organic
5. Flaxseed oil only fat
6. List of forbidden foods, items
7. Soy contains phytic acid-blocks minerals, cause red blood cells to clump
8. No wheatgrass juice or sprouted seeds
9. Sprouts have immature proteins, suppress immune system
10. Wheatgrass hard to digest
11. Temp forbidden - butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, fish, meat
12. Forbidden Personal & Household Items

-- Post From Gerson Therapy Caregiver