Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: The Metabolic Syndrome by C. Gerson

Chapter 3 Breakdown of the Body's Defenses
1. Water and air pollution
2. Food processing
3. Defiency caused by depleted soil
4. Two enemies of good health - toxicity and defiency
5. Must address both to restore body defenses
6. Genetically modified food
7. Drugs that suppress symptoms w/o healing them
8. "Aspartame contains methanol, a cumulative poison which converts into formaldehyde, a known carcinogen."
9. MSG - hidden w/ names like flavor enhancers, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and textured protein. MSG used to scientists to make lab animals fat.
10. Transfats raise LDL
11. Need pred. plant-based diet w/ min. animal protein.
12. Excess animal proteins behave like toxins in the body.
13. Fluoride - more cancer, hip fracture, osteoporosis, kidney prob, even birth defects.
14, Despite flouridation more than half of kids 6-8 and 2/3 of all 15 year olds have tooth decay,
15. Nicotine and alcohol
16. Cosmetics - all toxins break down body defenses and must be eliminated. 60% of all substances sprayed on skin goes to bloodstream. Blocking underarm perspiration forces toxins into lymphatic system.
17. Hair dyes toxic. Scalp is thoroughly vasculated (rich in blood vessels close to surface). Use pure glycerin to smooth dry skin.
18. Electromagnetic waves

-- Post From Gerson Caregiver